Made during my undergraduate years at SAIC, these picture paintings are missing, sold, or destroyed.
“Legion of Horribles” oil, and oil stick on raw canvas, (2014).
“Beach and Rum” oil on canvas, (2012).
“Speed Goose” oil, wax, Vyvanse and vodka on canvas paper, (2012).
Kavi Gupta
Kavi Gupta was a transgressive hex painting. I had been painting with bleach on t-shirts, trying desperately to find a signature style. When I had decided I was “done with painting” and possibly fine art altogether, I made this piece to lament.
oil, bleach, cotton t-shirt, wax, blood, (2014).
“Celebration” acrylic, oil paint marker, (2013).
Celebration was an early painting toying with the disassociation of symbols, in this case, icons of fascism. How could they be reclaimed, recycled. This was a first attempt, to smother them or include them in an otherwise overwhelmingly joyful scene.
“Nothin’s Gonna Change My World” oil on canvas, (2012).
"“The Beach” latex, crayon, and chalk on raw canvas, (2014).